

Para los que no hayan visto muchos blogs y no sepan hasta donde la gente llega con ellos y para los que hayan visto muchos y piensen que todos son más o menos iguales, tengo una recomendación. Es EL blog que me ha inspirado y animado a empezar con el mio. Se llama STUPOT y lo lleva Stuart Kerr, un diseñador escocés que vive en Osaka. Si estás interesado en diseño, si quieres aprender un montón de cosas del Japón de a diario, si quieres ver un blog con un estilo impecable y único y si además necesitas ideas para una página personal o profesional de escándalo, visita www.stupot.com.

A veces se siente genial poder compartir con los demás las cosas que te inspiran y te animan a seguir adelante. Escribí a Stuart y le dije lo que me encantaba su blog y todo lo demás de arriba. Me lo agradeció y ¿a que no adivinan lo que me dijo a continuación? Que no pensaba que nadie lo leyera.... Increible. Eso me enseñó que un pequeño gesto de agradecimiento y reconocimiento no tiene precio. Besos

Maybe you read a previous post here saying i decided to start this blog thanks of some interesting blogs i was reading myself. I mostly read blogs of foreigners that live in Japan for obvious reasons: I'm going there. But ocasionally i also read other blogs of random topics.

None of the blogs i've visited remotely compares to STUPOT. Created by Stuart Kerr, a Scottish designer based in Osaka, the blog and the website that contains it is pure eye pleasure. And the best of all: it's the only blog i've seen in which a gaijin ("foreigner") really looks at Japan with real respect and interest, while giving unbiased insight into the real Japan. There's no nasty jokes about Japanese wierdness, no moaning about how different things are over there. You can see the guy is really enjoying his time there and wants us to have a taste of what he's immersed in and share his creativity.

I really recommend you go and check out Stuart's work, words and images. And Stu, thanks for the style and keep it coming, please.


Anonymous said...

Edo - such high praise! thank you kindly. I'm glad it's been positive and useful to someone - I'm only slightly embarrased I still don't have links from my site to those who link to me but it's just something that has stuck.it also retains the unspoilt look (designers are so vain).

there are a lot of sites that damn Japan and it's easy to do. what is harder is 'sticking it out' and understanding the place. It's not always easy but I hope you will find, like me, that everyday is inspiring.

buena suerte


Paulo Gama said...